Friday, April 6, 2012

A Most Holy Time

Last night, as a Christian, I went to Church and celebrated Maundy Thursday... the annual commemoration of Jesus' institution of the sacrament of Holy Communion, which of course is integrally related with the Jewish celebration of the first night of the 7 day (sometimes 8) season of Pesach (Hebrew) or "Passover" in English.  Both faiths engage in rituals to remind us of slavery and liberation, bondage and freedom... hard won liberation and freedom.  Today is Good Friday for Christians and at sunset, Pesach begins.  Here are a couple of websites I found informative as I learn more about the living roots of my faith tradition:  Judaism 101: and  One aspect I find most interesting is the removal of all items in the home considered to be "Chametz" which culminates in this wonderful ceremony The Search  Not everyone finds celemony and ritual uplifting, but I love them as means of demonstrating my willingness to submit to the will of God, to nurture my desire for Him and to participate with God in my spiritual formation.  So next year, I will add to my Lenten disciplines a literal and symbolic practice of shedding "chametz"; a deep spring cleaning to be sure! 

May you and your family deeply experience the promise of this season!

As a parting gift, some photos of my second (and happier) tree peony.


My Sister Made Me Do It.... said...

Your Peonys are such a deep kind of fuscia color...I'll bet they are even more glorious in person!
Have a wonderful Easter.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Wonderful links, thank you, what a blessing. Happy Easter, my friend! Your Peonies are spectacular.

Carrie P. said...

Happy Easter Becky. thanks for sharing some of the tradition with us.
Oh, those peonies are simply stunning!

Diane said...

With a Jewish daughter-in-law, we find our family incorporating elements of her faith into our own spiritual practices. I appreciated the links to Passover traditions.