Late in June, my sister mentioned that Thally (her step daughter) wanted to use Zinnia colors in the nursery for Alea, her first born, expected in early October. So I decided to make her a simple little quilt. I neglected to get a photo when it was completed, but this gives you idea.

Hopefully, my sister can get a photo for me of the finished top. We had a shower for Thally August 12 and she was so sweet and delighted by all the hulla-baloo. And we did have a grand time... lots of folks, fun decorations, tons of super delicious food, and a lovely sweet time when we all gathered and each one slowly, gently, lovingly spoke to Thally from their heart dear warm words. Many gave her a bead to be put on a bracelet for her to remember by. Family who could not come sent their loving words ahead of time, and so we could read them to her. Many in attendance had also written something for her. There were several poems and prayers. All the written messages were put into a scrapbook for her to take with her and as she gathers cards and other mementos, she can add them.
It was a another wonderful gathering of family and friends which has deepened our relationships. I love our family!